Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Quote of the Day - April 26, 2017

There's a saying " a constant practice can make you perfect" and many believed on this statement - including myself. This is very good if we could do it and apply it in our lives.

However, the negative side is if we constantly practice anything incorrectly, then, the result will be a perfectly incorrect.

It's the same with our faith. If you are a religious church goer, or a person who read the Bible, especially the New Testament, then I am sure, you had encountered the verse where Jesus' disciples asked Him how to pray.

Then, Jesus taught them the "Our Father..." prayer. But, as you might have observed, there's so many and long prayers and so many religious activities which is in conflict with what God has commanded to the people in the old days, and to us in this generation.

Since we are constantly doing it, it's very hard for us to get away with it. I, myself is also guilty of it.

I am hoping that those who supposed to be the care takers of the flocks would spend all their time educating their flocks on the right teaching and not wasting their precious times on other matters that are taken cared of others.

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